SBI Apprentice Syllabus & Pattern 2023 - Exam Pattern & Syllabus of Written Exam, Marking Scheme, Medical Test

SBI Apprentice is one of the most competitive exams in India. More than 8 lakh government job aspirants sit for the SBI Apprentice exam every year. SBI has set the online written exam date on 07th December 2023 for the aspiring candidates. There are two stages for a Bank Apprentice selection - written and Medical. In order to get selected for the SBI Apprentice post, these stages must be cleared one by one by the candidates. When preparing for the exam, candidates must know the SBI Apprentice exam syllabus and pattern. The syllabus helps the candidate to understand the types of topics better. Subjects like SBI Apprentice Data Interpretation, reasoning ability might take most of your time during preparation but candidates must focus on those topics first that they are weak in. The preparation for the exam is only successful when the candidates are clear with the syllabus. A proper planning and preparations will distinguish candidates away from the crowd. Below SBI Apprentice syllabus and pattern are given for the government job candidates to prepare.