SBI Clerk Application Form, Registration, Exam Date, SBI Clerk 2023 Apply Online

State Bank of India has released the SBI Clerk notification 2023 from 16th November 2023. Govt job aspirants waiting for SBI Clerk exams can now apply for the exam till 07th December 2023. SBI Clerk admit cards are out for the prelims exam on 27th December 2023(Tentatively) . The SBI Clerk Preliminary Examination will be conducted on 5th, 6th, 11th & 12th January 2024 and Main Examination will be conducted tentatively in the month of February 2024. Those who will pass the prelims will be allowed to take the exam. Candidates must satisfy the eligibility criteria of SBI Clerk in order to sit for the exam. State Bank of India has few different steps to apply for the SBI Exam as compared to IBPS. Its a national level exam which is conducted by SBI’s regulatory body to recruit SBI Clerks. The candidates will be informed about the main exam on the official website till further notice. For the relevant details regarding the SBI Clerk exam like registration process, SBi Clerk exam date, admit card etc you can go through our blog.


SBI Clerk Exam Date 2023 

The official exam dates for SBI Clerk 2023 examination has been released along with the SBI Clerk notification pdf. It is very important that the candidates have a basic idea of the important highlights of the SBI clerk notification 2023. In the table, you can check the SBI clerk exam date 2023 for prelims & mains stages.

SBI Clerk 2023 Events

SBI Clerk 2023 Dates

SBI Clerk Notification

16th November 2023

SBI Clerk Application Starts

17th November 2023

SBI Clerk Last Date To Submit

07th December 2023

SBI Clerk Prelims Admit Card

27th December 2023 (Tentatively)

SBI Clerk Prelims Exam Date

5th, 6th, 11th & 12th January 2024

SBI Clerk Prelims Result

Janurary 2024 (Tentatively)

SBI Clerk Main Exam Admit Card

February 2024 (Tentatively)

SBI Clerk Main Exam

February 2024 (Tentatively)

SBI Clerk Mains Result

March 2024 (Tentatively)


SBI Clerk Admit Card 2023

Candidates who have registered themselves for the SBI Clerk exam should have their admit card with them as it is the permit to sit for the exam. SBI Clerk admit card is the license to take the exam. State Bank of India has announced the date for the release of the admit cards of the prelim exams on 27th December 2023(Tentatively). By the time the new date for the SBI Clerk Main exam is determined, admit cards for the main exam will be provided online as soon as possible. 

How to Download SBI Clerk Admit Card?

Few steps are required to download the SBI Clerk admit card.

  • The candidate has to visit the official website of SBI
  • Click on the link SBI Clerk Admit Card prelim
  • The candidate should fill in the registration number and password. (credentials)
  • Click on submit
  • The candidate's admit card will be displayed on the screen
  • Click on download to download the admit card

SBI Clerk Admit Card is important because it includes the candidate's details like roll number, exam code, without which he cannot sit for the SBI Clerk exam.

Things that are mentioned in the admit card are as follows :

1. Name of a Candidate

2. Roll Number

3. Exam Code

4. Exam Centre Address

5. Date and Time of the Exam

6.  Photograph of the candidate

7. Signature of the candidate

8. Important and useful instructions for the candidates



How to apply for SBI Clerk 2023?

Bank aspirants can apply for the SBI Clerk exam by filling up the SBI Clerk application form. Candidates will have to first register themselves to apply for the SBI Clerk exam. There are few steps to be followed in order to apply for SBI Clerk 2023. 

  • Registration
  • Filling up the Application Form
  • Uploading Photograph and Signature
  • Fee Payment
How many attempts are there for SBI Clerk?

The frequency of SBI Clerk exam is once a year. The bank aspirants can apply for SBI Clerk exam as many times as they want but within the maximum age limit bar. The candidates should not cross the maximum age limit else they won’t be able to take the SBI exam. 

Is there any interview in SBI Clerk?

SBI Clerk exam pattern consists of only two stages - SBI Clerk Prelims, and SBI Clerk Mains. SBI Clerk mains is the last step for the final selection of SBI Clerk. There is no interview round like we have for SBI PO.

When is the last date to apply for SBI Clerk?

SBI Clerk notification was out on 16th November 2023 on their official website. State Bank of India has now closed the application date on 07th December 2023. The admit cards for SBI Clerk aspirants were released on 27th December 2023(Tentatively) . Candidates who have filled the application form will take the SBI Clerk Preliminary Examination will be conducted on 05th, 06th, 11th & 12th January 2024(Tentatively) and Main Examination will be conducted tentatively in the month of February 2024

How many vacancies are there for SBI Clerk 2023?

For the post of SBI Clerk, the number of vacancies is out on the official website. SBI recruitment has been announced by the governing body. A total of 8773 vacancies is released for the aspiring candidates. 8283 are for regular posts and 490 are for the backlog posts.

What is the work of an SBI Clerk?

An SBI Clerk is responsible for interacting with the clients and operations. He can be in the post of a cashier, depositor, or any other related post.